Fiqh Ekologi; Upaya Merawat Lingkungan Hidup Berbasis Konsep Maqashid Syariah
Ecology, environment, benefit, maqashid shariaAbstract
Climate change and environmental damage are global issues that affect all humans on earth. Therefore, all levels of society, including Islamic scholars and thinkers, have an obligation to contribute to maintaining the environment to remain sustainable and sustainable. Ecological jurisprudence is a concept of how Islamic teachings can be applied in an effort to protect the environment through an approach based on the concept of maslahat as the core of sharia maqashid. Maslahat (benefit) is one of the important principles in jurisprudence that refers to the noble goal to be achieved in the teachings of this religion, namely the survival of a just, harmonious, and just life. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze how the concept of ecological jurisprudence is applied in order to care for the mashlahat-based environment. To achieve this goal, the method used is the library reseach method using a qualitative approach. The collected data was analyzed using concepts offered by Milles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion/verification. The conclusion is that Ecological jurisprudence is a new breakthrough in answering the problem of sustainability and environmental law, so the formulation of the concept of mashlahah is important to build sustainable views and actions on the environment, so as to create a balance of the environment and nature, and ensure long-term benefits for all of God's creation. The concept of mashlahah as the core of maqashid sharia refers to all forms of goodness that have worldly and ukhrawi dimensions, material and spiritual as well as individual and collective.
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