Author Guideline
Syariah: Journal of Fiqh Studies published twice per year, number (1) is published in June, and number (2) is published in December. Syariah: Journal of Fiqh Studies does not set a specific article theme per issue. It is intended that research with the most recent themes can be published immediately.
Article submitted must meet the following guidelines:
- Articles are the results of research, either in the form of library research (conceptual-doctrinal studies) or field research (empirical studies). The article must discuss the themes of Product of Fiqh Law, Analysis of Fatwa Fiqhiyyah and Fiqh Contextualization.
- The article is the result of the research/original work of the author, not plagiarism.
- The article has not been published, processed in another journal, and/or is not being submitted to another journal.
- Articles can be written in Indonesian, Arabic or English.
- If the article is written in Indonesian, the abstract must be written in two languages, English-Indonesian. If it is written in English, then the abstract is only in English. Each abstract (English and/or Indonesian) part consists of 150-200 words, written in 1 paragraph, spaced 1.
- The length of the article is between 4000-6000 words.
- Articles are written using Open Office in MS Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
- Articles have, at a minimum, 20 references (80% are articles from journals), both in scientific journal articles and books. The references in scientific articles (journals) are the most recent references, at least the last five years.
- Writing footnotes and bibliography using the "Mendeley" or "Zotero" application, with style: Chicago Manual of the Style 17th edition.